“EWCs and Employee representatives : how to rebalance social dialogue” – Final conference to conclude the EU co-funded project for a fairer and more balanced european social dialogue
Afficher l'article en plein écranOn the 27th and 28th June 2024, EWC members, trade unionists, experts and researchers were present in Rome for the final conference concluding the EU co-funded project on rebalancing european social dialogue, led by Syndex and its partners INDEWO, LBBa and Progress Lawyers Network

After a series of three interactive seminars held between 2023 and 2024, this event was the opportunity to discuss the current stakes faced by workers representatives in exercising their prerogatives on information and consultation.
Thanks to the vivid participation of workers representatives from major european trade unions and federations, and the research input of both Syndex and its partners' experts, topics such as access to legal and economical expertise, litigation strategies and confidentiality were analysed and debated.

"How to act in practice?" Examples of achievements and challenges presented and discussed by workers representatives
With the 30th anniversary of the EWC directive occuring during an EU elections year, this conference also hosted a roundtable bringing together ETUI and Eurofound researchers, ETUC policy advisors as well as industrial relations experts, whose contributions sparked an animated discussion on the perspectives surrounding its revision process.
EWCs members and trade unionists present throughout this project and its various meetings commend a useful initiative that allows the exchange and dissemination of constructive recommendations and good practices for easier access to expertise that enhance their ability to endorse their representation role.
Geert Menten, EWC member, shares his views on the conference and project
Take-aways from Rebecca Fawcus, Trade Union member, Comisiones Obreras, Spain,
What's next...
Stay tuned for the final report compiling the results of our study !