
Syndex Brussels EU Commission funded project on information, consultation and participation of representatives of undertakings

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Syndex, together with the European Transport Federation (ETF), have been granted for an EU Commission funding on information, consultation and participation of representatives of undertakings

train station

This collaboration aims to support the ETF develop its activities in favour of European Works Councils and workers participation in road, rail, maritime and civil aviation sectors.

The project is entitled EWCs in transport: more and better participation of workers now!.

Approximately 200 people will participate in this project and will be updated on EU legislation regarding information-consultation and will identify good practices to be shared with their counterparts.

The project added value and innovativeness will imply the creation of new European Works Councils and negotiation/signing of new agreements on the basis of the recast of Directive 2009/38/EC.

A training program framework will be drafted and circulated to all representatives joining a Special Negotiating Body (SNB) or a European Work Council (EWC) for the first time.

The project outcomes will be disseminated both by ETF and Syndex and a large conference with high-level EU Commission and trade union leaders will ensure a good visibility to the project.

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